The L4H Lab

02. Research Grants

Faculty Members: Yekang Ko, Kory Russel, Jacques Abelman, Junhak Lee

University of Oregon faculty members use their classes as design laboratory and seek research funding to support the L4H work.  

1. UO Resilience Initiative Seed Funding

Principal Investigator: Yekang Ko

Team Members: Kory Russel, Jacques Abelman, Junhak Lee, Matt Polizzotto (Earth Science), Barbara Muraca (Philosophy), Wonhee Arndt (Product Design), Josh Bruce (PPPM), Ronald Severson (MAPLE Microdevelopment)

In December of 2019, the University of Oregon Resilience Initiative awarded the L4H interdisciplinary team (Principal Investigator Yekang Ko) with a $50,000 grant. The project will develop a strategic citywide spatial framework for the development of transitional and permanent housing sites, develop design typologies and implement the transitional community typology at the Opportunity Village Eugene.

2. UO Foundation Grant

Principal Investigator: Yekang Ko

Team Members: Kory Russel, Jacques Abelman, Junhak Lee

In June of 2019, the University of Oregon Foundation Board of Trustees awarded L4H with a $30,000 grant from the Trustee Excellence Fund. This grant allowed for the work at OVE to continue to be successful with more opportunities for student and faculty involvement.

3. EPA P3

Principal Investigator: Kory Russel

Team Members: Adam DeHeer, Nicholas Sund, Summer Young,
and Emma Hershey

In November of 2018, a group of students with faculty advisors in the departments of Landscape Architecture and Anthropology (Maria Fernanda Escallón), were awarded grant funding through the Environmental Protection Agency’s 16th Annual People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) student design competition with a project called “Sanitary Green Space: Closed-looped waste systems.”

The L4H Lab
01. Classes
02. Research Grants

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